Thursday, October 27, 2011

Who is Reluctant Spud?

I never wanted to live in Idaho (aka. the Spud state).  When I say never, I mean NEVER. EVER!  I grew up in neighboring Utah and didn't like anything associated with Idaho.  I thought it was way too boring, too benign, too slow.  I almost missed out on the best thing in my life because of my prejudice.  See, my husband is from Idaho.  I didn't want to date someone from Idaho because I didn't ever want to have the possibility of living in Idaho.  I decided even before we dated that I wouldn't date him because I didn't want to live in Idaho.  When he told me he didn't want to live in Idaho again, I thought I might venture to date him.  And I did, and he is AMAZING, and we fell in love and got married and started our family.  We didn't live in Idaho for a few years, then something big happened, as my husband was finishing his Masters a small university in Idaho asked him to apply for a position.  I knew even before he interviewed that someday soon, I'd be living in Idaho.  But...I came to peace with the idea, thinking it would be a short stay because I knew my husband wanted to go on and get his doctorate.  But when the time for the doctorate came, the little university told him that they would let him take a leave of absence and then come back when he was done.  So, he did and we came back, built a house, and are putting down some roots.  Until recently I was still bound and determined to find a way out of this little town and all of Idaho.  Then something happened, I realized that I don't mind living in a small town, I don't mind living in a place where people still trust other people, where my kids have great friends, where we can feel safe.  And I also realized that I have it pretty good.  My husband has a great job, he works close enough to come home for lunch most days and we have some great friends.

These days I admit that I don't know how long we'll live in Idaho.  But even if it is 'forever' I'm okay with that.  BUT...I'm still a reluctant spud.


Rachel said...

I hear ya sista! I feel like you just wrote a story about me! I'm so glad you're writing again, and I get to take a peak into what you're thinking about. I enjoy every minute reading about you and learning from you:)

Traci said...

I love this. I swore I would leave that little town and never look back. But the more I see of the world outside the Idaho bubble, the more I realize that I had it really great growing up there. Maybe we'll make it back someday... Isn't life funny?

So happy you're blogging again!