Thursday, January 7, 2016

A New Year, A New Post (and hopefully more to come)

Welcome to 2016. It is a new year and that generally makes me feel a little anxious to try something new...maybe a few new things. This year...I want to get back to writing a bit more. So...I plan to do just that here on my wonderful little blog!! I will likely post about what is going on in my life but not in a boring way, hopefully. I might post something about the new things I am trying, my efforts to decorate my little abode, some of our family's favorite things and more. I have made myself a schedule to post twice a week! This in itself may be a bit of a lofty goal at this point, but I want to do it!!!

I believe in resolutions!! 

In fact, I believe in resolutions so much that I get the whole Spud family to write down their resolutions, then I frame them and hang them on their walls, so that we can see them all year. Then at the end of the year we take them down to see how we did.

Sometimes we laugh because our goals were funny, or we forgot about them, but most of the feels good to see our progress. Here's looking toward good things to come in 2016!

If you are just in love with the great printables I found for our resolutions this can find them: here, here, here and here. Oh...and if you like my post, let me know by sharing, commenting, pinning, or something.


Reluctant Spud (a.k.a.  Leslie)


Candice said...

I miss blogs. I want to hear more from people than Facebook can offer. I am so glad that you are writing again. I should dust off my blog. It is a great family record.

Traci said...

I want to blog more too. I always love what you write. Never boring! And I love the idea of hanging resolutions in your bedrooms. What a great way to keep them on your mind.

Teresa said...

Excited to follow you because I want to leave the world of Facebook behind for awhile, and I want to keep up on what you are doing!

Leslie said...

Yay for dusting off blogs!! I would love to keep up on you Candice and Traci!! And Teresa...I feel the same way about Facebook!